Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Fat Of It All

Man! I had a really sweet blog going on like 3 hours ago and got kicked off so I lost everything. Grrrrr.  So what I had orginally put was that I was going to make my blogs into small paragraphs as I know that most people have short attention spans including me. 

When I see a loooooong post or blog I almost always get all anxious and start skipping over stuff.  Especially if the blog or post is like one huge sentence.  LOL.  Small little paragraphs like this are much easier to deal with.

So what to speak about now? many things come to mind, but where to start?  How bout my personal appearence?  Right now I am trying to grow out my hair...I believe it's been just over a year since I've had my last real haircut.  I can put it into a small ponytail right now which is good because I believe your hair grows faster if it's tied back at the early stages.

about ten years ago I wieghed my heaviest which was 260 lbs.  I then did and extreme diet and went down to 202.  Since then I bounced back up to 245 which was four years ago and since then I dropped to 235 and then 230 and then hit the gym hardcore for 3 months and worked out for 3-5 hours a day and went down to 217 but because of all the weight lifting I was doing I was getting lean.

I then went back up to 235 after I stopped working out and it took me over a year to get back there and I had went back to eating crud and sitting on my butt all the time.

Currently I am a 220 but no where close to looking like I did at 217 because I had been working out and now Im just not eating on some days and being stupid on others. I just can seem to get it together to exercise or really do something about my weight...except complain of course.

OK, so there we have it for today.  Got some things I need to do so I will end this blog and hopefully we will see you tomorrow.

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