Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Headache

So today is Friday and I have a headache. Now that my headline is explained I guess I can explain the explaination.  Which is to say that we as a society for the most part have conditioned ourselves to think of Friday as a day we really look forward to.  Especially if we have a job where we have off on the weekends.  Which is my case for the most part with the exception being the weeks I have team clean. That would be this week for me. 

My step-mom is in town visiting her son Jonathan who does not like me. She is going to be taking me to lunch and a movie.  I ate a little lunch so that I won't be hungry when we go and I can just get a small little something to nosh. Then we are going to go see the movie "Lincoln" which I have heard some great reviews. Daniel Day Lewis plays the lead.

So my headache is here and throbbing somewhat annoyingly.  Maybe I'm just trying to make myself sick so that I don't have to go.  Though I know that I don't have to go if I don't want to which is a half-truth.  It's too much to think about and it's not helping my headache so on to other things.

So what do you think of the color this week?  I thought instead of just changing the color of the font I could also change the color of the background.  Sheesh! This stupid headache is making it hard to type.  I keep having to retract and respell things.  ARG!

OK, I think that is more than enough for now.  I have to go.  Talk to you later.   

1 comment:

i am amy. said...

hey Pug..i hope that headache finally went away.
since you asked about the colors-for me this entry was kind of hard to read because of the red/turquoise combo. though i liked it better than the black/yellow of the previous post. (only because those are the colors of my rival football team. heheh boo, steelers. ;) )
i hope you had a nice time with your stepmom!