Friday, September 14, 2012


I just saw a post on FB that said TGIF stands for Today God Is First! Amen to that baby!

So when I was thinking about when I got my laptop I was going to be doing these blogs I had all kinds of ideas for what I would write about.  I would be at the coffee shop drinking a latte and waxing either profoundly or humorously about lifes quirks,

So far.......meh.

So tonight is Friday night and I''m not really doing anything special.  Just kinda hanging out I suppose and doing lil things that need to be done to my youtube, and fb accounts. 

You don't know it but I'm sitting here just staring at the screen waiting for genius to pop into my head.....



Typing and waiting......................

Typing and farting and waiting................

OK I totally made up that last one...though my friend Amy would be all like "Sure you did" just cause a couple of times I crashed at her pad and I was a lil gassy, she should talk though because I have seen her blow a mean butt trumpet too! Hahahahahahahahahaha.

OK well thats it for now, I'm getting too bored and so I'm outta here.

Peace, love, and vegetable rights.

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