Sunday, October 28, 2012

Yeshua ♥

Where is my hope? It is in Jesus the Christ,  Yeshua.   I was an enemy of God, full of pride, hate, arrogance, self-pity, self-righteousness, unable to control my temper. I was lustful, hateful, and the world revolved around my needs and what I could get out of life.

Then I met Jesus who had been calling to me since I was a child.

He accepted me just as I was when I was filthy, starving, arrogant, deceitful, lying, cheating, cussing, boastful, gossiping, negative, drunken, sexually immoral, and thieving mess of a man/child.

He came into my heart and life twenty-four years ago and no matter what "good" or "bad" I have done He has never left me and He has never forsaken me.

I have been through some extremely wonderful times in my life and I have been through some times I thought would kill me and everything in between.

Jesus the Christ has been my one consistency in my life that has given me the love I need and desire, the laughter I thought would never be there, the hope that would have never been there, the peace that lies within every inch of my body, and the joy that is not from this world or anything in this world but only from my Savior and has saved my life.

I am not the man I was when I started this journey that fateful night twenty-four years ago......I have fallen many times since and I have done and said things I regret with my whole being but God has been at work in me too and I find myself a kinder, gentler, and loving man of God because it is Jesus who lives in me.

I have done nothing to deserve Jesus or heaven but one day soon I will see Him with my eyes and rejoice, I will embrace Him in my arms and weep, I will know that I am not homesick any longer for I will be home at last and at last I will be truly happy.

I love you Yeshua, you are my everything and without you I am nothing. I can not imagine my life without you and I don't even want to try. You are my only reason for living and being and I never, ever want to leave you. All that I am and all that I have I freely and lovingly give to you for you are my Savior, my Lord, my King, and my God.


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